In September, the James Webb Space Telescope will become a US postal stamp.


One million miles of space have been been covered by the James Webb Space Telescope. The newest telescope will soon be traveling through the U.S. Postal Service.

On Tuesday, the Postal Service revealed that new stamps with the telescope on them would go on sale on September 8. (pre-orders begin Aug. 8). The photograph shows the 21-foot mirror made up of the telescope's 18 gold-coated segments.


The $10 billion scientific wonder, which this month returned photos that astounded both the scientific community and laypeople, will be featured on the new Forever stamps, which cost 60 cents each and cost $12 for a pane of 20. The telescope was built in collaboration with NASA, the Canadian Space Agency, and the European Space Agency and was launched on December 25, 2021.


The Postal Service stated that there are no plans to issue any stamps with photographs obtained by the telescope.

A stamp in the Black Heritage series commemorating the artist Edmonia Lewis and the most recent Music Icons stamp featuring Pete Seeger are two further new stamps that were already produced in 2022.

A stamp honoring the women cryptographers of World War II will be released in October.