Privacy Policy   

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We understand that privacy and the security of your personal information is extremely important. This policy sets out what we do with your information and what we do to keep it secure. It also explains where and how we collect your personal information, as well as your rights over any personal information we hold about you.

This policy applies to you if you use our products or services over the phone, online, through our mobile applications or otherwise by using any of our websites or interacting with us on social media (our 'Services”). This policy gives effect to our commitment to protect your personal information.

Who are we?

When we say 'we' or 'us' in this policy, We're generally referring to which trades in the UK under license as Banner Group Limited which is part of Banner Group Ltd and Evo Group Company, although it does depend on context.

It also includes any other businesses we add to this group in the future.

What sorts of information do we hold?

We collect information about you when you register with us or place an order for products or services. We also collect information when you voluntarily complete customer surveys, provide feedback and participate in competitions. Website usage information is collected using cookies.

How do we use your information?

We use information held about you in the following ways:

Keeping you informed about our products and services

We would like to send you information about products and services of ours and other companies in our group which may be of interest to you. Where you have consented to us doing so, we may do this through the post, by email, text message, online, using social media, push notifications via apps, or by any other electronic means. If you have consented to receive marketing, you may opt out later.

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your information to other members of the EVO Group. We won't send you marketing messages if you tell us not to but we will still need to send you occasional service-related messages. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please send an email to:

Who we might share your information with?

Our service providers

We may pass your personal data to carefully selected partners (third parties) for the purpose of processing your enquiry or order. We work with partners, suppliers, and agencies so they can process your personal information on our behalf but only where they meet our standards on the processing of data and security. We only share information that allows them to provide their services to us or to facilitate them providing their services to you. Where you have consented to us doing so, we may also pass your personal data to carefully selected partners (third parties) for the purposes of marketing additional services or products that we believe may be of interest and of benefit to you.

When you enter a competition on our site we share your name, email address and country with a Competition Management platform named ViralSweep. You can access their privacy policy here: The platform also collects the entrants IP Address for fraud detection (to limit multiple entries from the same user). We keep the data within the Competition Management platform for 3 months. At that point the data is permanently deleted from the ViralSweep servers.

Other organisations and individuals

We may transfer your personal information to other organisations in certain scenarios. For example:

International transfers of your information

From time to time we may transfer your personal information to our group companies, suppliers or service providers based outside of the EEA for the purposes described in this privacy policy. If we do this your personal information will continue to be subject to one or more appropriate safeguards set out in the law. These might be the use of model contracts in a form approved by regulators, or having our suppliers sign up to an independent privacy scheme approved by regulators (like the US ‘Privacy Shield’ scheme).

Your rights

Access and correction of your personal information

You have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you in many circumstances. This is sometimes called a ‘Subject Access Request’. If we agree that we are obliged to provide personal information to you (or someone else on your behalf), we will provide it to you or them free of charge.

Before providing personal information to you or another person on your behalf, we may ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interactions with us that we can locate your personal information.

If any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or out of date, you may ask us to correct it.

Right to stop or limit our processing of your data

You have the right to object to us processing your personal information if we are not entitled to use it anymore, to have your information deleted if we are keeping it too long or have its processing restricted in certain circumstances.

If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us via

How long do we keep your information for?

We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.